Once installed and deployed Using Netlify is the easiest way, but any alternative is as simple. , you have to modify the entries found in the configure.js file located at the root of your source directory the AUTHOR_s and EMAIL_s properties are slightly different in the configure.js file, but it’s because the 11ty Frame demo site requires real initial values. .


AUTHOR_s     : 'yourname',                        //: Your github name
EMAIL_s      : 'yourname@yourmail.com',           //: Your github e-mail
ID_s         : '11tyframe',                       //: Your github repository
NAME_s       : '11ty Frame',                      //: Your site name
URL_s        : `https://11tyframe.netlify.com/`,  //: Your CDN site address
LOCAL_s      : '',          //: Your local address and port for development
COLLECTION_s : 'post',                            //: The Eleventy tag for your posts collection
LANGUAGE_s   : 'en',                              //: Site language

description_o: //: descriptions for SEO { DESCRIPT_s: '11ty Frame blog', GLOBAL_s: 'Eleventy,static site generator', },

Once you have completed this step, you just have to rebuilt your site with this command: from your 11tyframe source directory.

npx eleventy --config=make/11ty/make.js

Then, begin to write your first posts probably replacing the index.md and install.md files in the matter/pages directory… ! For thurther help, please refer to the 11tyTips site which is the model of your fresh new site.