If you want to have comments on some or all of your blog pages, you have to configure 11ty Frame your commenting system: each page where comments are useful must be paired with a Github issue which you have to create as soon as the page is published. A simple convention is to give the “comment” issue the same title as your page file name.

The issue number in your Github repository related to your page has to be declared in its front matter with the property gh_issue_n.


  date:      `2019-11-01`,
  layout:    `frame.njk`,
  permalink: `posts/install.html`,
  tags:      [ `post` ],
  eleventyExcludeFromCollections: false,
  rank_n:     1,
  title_s:    `Install 11ty Frame`,
  subtitle_s: `How to install your 11ty Frame blog`,
  abstract_s: `Follow these instructions`,
  author_s:   `Me`,
  gh_issue_n: 2,